The roller blading officers, who patrol the streets of Paris in blue uniforms, wearing knee and elbow pads and crash helmets. 上街参加巡逻的“溜冰警察”身穿蓝色制服,膝盖和手肘都戴上保护装备,头戴钢盔。
The shirts he buys from our Paris branch have the classic shaped collar, offering him room for a tie, which from us are mainly silk knit in dark blue. 他从我们的巴黎分店购买的衬衫,衣领的形状都是一流的,可以给他系领带的空间,从我们这里出去的主要是丝质深蓝色领带。
A weekend Paris or a mouth full of blisters, a blue ass and sore feet: tough choice yea! 周末去巴黎旅行还是要一嘴泡、青紫的屁股、发酸的双脚:还真难选!